Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data.SQLite' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.

 Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data.SQLite' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.

if you pull down a new project and get this, change the default app poll to suppor 32 bit apps in Inetmgr advanced settings

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

 Visual Studio, Project references not working.

You add the reference, and it keep showing the yellwo triangle for the bad reference, even though it's working for other projects in the same soloution.

Verify they are both referencing the SAME version of .net, aka .4.5.2 not .4.5

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Turn on Request tracing for more info debuggin IIS issues.

 How to turn on request tracing for detail logs on IIS issues

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Permission related internal error was encountered. Unable to continue execution. Sybase Ase



In case anyone hits you asking about this one, it's caused by trying to access the QA Jcdc Db instead of the jcdc DB on the new server by accident. In short it's caused by hitting a DB you don't have permissions for, instead of an object you don't have permissions for.



 Permission related internal error was encountered.  Unable to continue execution.

Explanation: You do not have the permission to execute this command. Have the object owner or a user with the needed role run this command.


Thursday, March 17, 2022

Okta Gets confused when accounts for the same user are deleted and recreated.

 So we have a process, SPN that synchs DB changes to AD.

We also have multiple environments, dev 1 dev 2, QA, etc. which we switch between in the full dev lifecycle.

If a user is arrived on center in one environment, and not in the other, each time SPN gets run

on the other environment, the user gets it's state changed *(added or deleted)

This screws up Okta, and the users cant' login, until you do the following.

 log into okta domain on OktaPreview, click admin button to goto admin panel

On the left nav. Menu: Directory> Directory Integrations

In the center pane select: Active Director for student.jcd*

(A new page will load)

In the center pane again select: Import, Clear unconfirmed users and then Import Now

In the popup you can do Incremental (takes a short period of time <10 min) or Full Import (takes a little longer).

                Increment adds and disables accounts

                Full Import adds and deletes accounts (*do this to fix, increment is inconsistant)

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

After pass change, can't connect to tfs/team/devops in VS


After I change my Passwords, VS doesn't' refresh credentials and I have to do some manual steps.


I found a solution, works on Win7/10 too, the steps are the same:

Close VS. Go to Control Panel (with small icon view)-->User Accounts-->Manage your credentials (on the left column)-->Select "Windows Credentials"-->Scroll down to the "Generic Credentials" section and look for your TFS server connection. Expand the pull down and click "Edit". Enter in new network password. Reopen VS and everything should work again.


Wednesday, December 15, 2021